Presentation Night 2024

The racing community gathered for the season-end Presentation Night on Saturday 27 April. The continued traditional trophy polishing occurred a few days earlier thanks to our House and Social Committee volunteers, and all the silverware was on display to light up the Dining Room. This was a night to celebrate the achievements of our racing skippers and crew, and also a night for thanking and acknowledging our amazing volunteers. Kevin Kelly and Scott Mutton shared the MC duties for the evening, with Jodie Roberts interviewing unsuspecting guests with random ‘roving mic’ interviews.

The Commodore Ian Roberts provided a warm welcome to our guests, sponsors, and had the biggest of smiles on his face while receiving the Commodores’ Shield from the CYCSA Rear Commodore, Dianne Schwerdt.

Our racing support volunteers – Jasper Bowering, Neil Dell, David Zowtyj, Jodie Roberts, Brian Sutherland, Peter Hansen, John Bernado and Roger Oaten – were all thanked by the Racing Chairman Kevin Kelly, and those present received a small gift. Our Race Officers were also acknowledged for the professional way they go about their work and our Handicapper Peter Hutchison was given lots of encouragement from the audience for his work.

A flock of Juniors attended early in the evening to celebrate the Youth Skipper of the Year – this year awarded to Sophie Wellings. Margaret Henry provided an entertaining account of Sophie’s achievements.

The 2024 Multihull National Champion Gerald Valk was given a special award and a huge round of applause for achieving backto-back titles in a close contest, and continuing the significant achievements of our multihulls over the past 10 years.

Jodie Roberts presented the Eileen Hardy Trophy for excellence in seamanship by a Female Racing Sailor to Candice Cushway. Jodie described Candice’s attributes which were judged by other respected female sailors at the Squadron. Candice spoke warmly of her return to the Squadron and her involvement with women’s racing, and of her father and the crew of Quarante-deux.

The presentation of trophies and plaques followed, and the Squadron’s treasured silverware was distributed among the winners for our racing series, trophy and offshore races. Chris Mandalov meticulously sorted all of the trophies in order during the afternoon and did a fabulous job handing them out to excited skippers and crew who had photos taken with their silverware (for the one night only).

The night culminated with the presentation of the new Club Champion award. This award recognises outstanding performance of an individual boat from its overall results achieved through racing activities. (Points were awarded for series, trophy and offshore races throughout the season.) The winner for 2023-24 was Steve Martin of Take 5 who received a standing ovation and a lusty Squadron three cheers. Steve campaigned his boat well throughout the season and epitomised the spirit of this award.

Finally, the Food and Beverage team were thanked for the great food and service provided throughout the evening.


Eileen Hardy Trophy Winner – Candice Cushway


Easter Regatta at Port Vincent