The Yacht “Youth” and the Trophy
The Yacht “Youth” and the Trophy
Youth was designed by WA naval architect Len Randall, and was similar to the Blythe Spirit Class 30 yachts, except that it was 34 ft, had a wider beam and was a stiffer boat. Alan Quigley fitted her out during the day while driving taxis at night.Youth departed the Squadron on Easter Sunday 1965 in a howling gale, to circumnavigate the world over a period of 16 years. Youth criss-crossed the Pacific several times before venturing westward across the Indian Ocean to South Africa. From there Alan sailed Youth to Brazil, including an amazing 2,500 nm journey up the Amazon River. Next Youth headed north to the USA before cruising extensively in Europe and circumnavigating the UK. While alongside a wharf in La Palma, Canary Islands Youth was crushed by a 10,000 tonne vessel which was trying to berth in a gale. Massive damage, including dismasting and being narrowed by 8 inches, was done to Youth, but in his normal fighting spirit, Alan patched her up and sailed her back to Australia. Once back in Adelaide Youth was virtually brought back to original specification by its dedicated owner. Youth participated in the Vintage Class of the 1994 Sydney to Hobart race with Alan and crew from the Geilston Bay Yacht Club, Tasmania. Alan kept Youth in Hobart where he was Bosun at RYCT. The Yacht YouthTrophy is awarded annually to a cruising sailor who personifies Alan’s perseverance, determination and resourcefulness.