SA Marine Mooring Network
The History
In 1996 a fee of $25 per boat levy was levied against boats in the South Australian community. This levy has been increased over the years with the fee now calculated by vessel size. A 40-foot yacht now pays $185 a year. Since the levy was introduced, our boating and sailing sector has contributed some $10.4 million and currently contributes more than $400,000 per year.
The SAMMN lobby group was formed at a meeting at the RSAYS in May 2022. The SAMMN has representatives from all the major yacht clubs in the state with significant input from the RSAYS, CYCSA, Glenelg Yacht Club, Port Adelaide Sailing Club and the Garden Island Yacht Club and has been meeting regularly with DIT since then.
This year we have had positive negotiations with the Department of Industry and Transport (DIT) and the South Australian Boating Facilities Advisory Council (SABFAC) and we had some exciting progress with the long held dream of a South Australian Marine Mooring network finally looking possible.