Easter Regatta at Port Vincent

The 95th Easter Regatta weekend at Port Vincent not only brought vigorous, exhilarating sailing but also fostered a vibrant atmosphere of connection among sailors and the joy of socialising and celebrating with family and friends.

Twenty-seven boats in total arrived in Port Vincent and racing events took place daily. The racers indulged in spirited competitions on the water, forging lasting friendships onshore and revelling in festive gatherings.

The marquee, adorned with colourful Squadron bunting and flags, served as our temporary clubhouse and the epicentre of festivities over the weekend. Its open layout invited guests to meet every day and buy Easter raffle tickets, have a chat with Bill May, and socialise over jigsaw competitions.

On Good Friday, a Welcome to Vincent happy hour in the marquee brought Members, friends and family together to swap stories, share tips and forge new friendships, united by a passion for the sea and sailing. Our Rear Commodore, Anthony Pennington, welcomed Members to the Easter Regatta as the Commodore, Ian Roberts, was ill and unable to attend.

On Saturday night, the H&S Committee hosted a sparkly disco party in the marquee. Nestled against a backdrop of tranquil waters, twinkling fairy lights and shimmering yachts, the marquee lighting illuminated the night with pulsating beats and vibrant energy. From classic disco tunes to modern remixes our DJ, Tim Seeley, curated a playlist that kept the crowd grooving all night long. The ambience and vibe of the night was unforgettable. The disco party was a resounding success, combining great music with the enchanting beauty of the waterfront. Special thanks to Tim Seeley for agreeing to extend his time and to attendees whose enthusiasm and passion made this a night to remember.

Our Rear Commodore ably represented the Commodore at the Sunday morning dawn church service, followed by the Commodore’s Shout which was well attended. The H&S Committee provided delectable food and helped Anthony serve drinks throughout the morning. Following the Commodore’s Shout we had a Quiz conducted by the ever-willing Peter Kelly, although he admitted the questions were compiled by David Eldridge. Later a guitar and mouth organ musician, together with David Ingleton playing the banjo, entertained us while we were waiting for the racing presentations.

Finally, the Easter raffle was drawn, the lucky winners being 1st Prize Adrian Edmonds, 2nd Prize Sue Sparke and 3rd prize David Ingleton

The Cruising group organised a competition for the longest fish caught while sailing to Port Vincent, with the filleted skeleton being kept to be judged. Noelene Cooling was the winner with a fish 65 cm long and Phil Stump’s fish was a close second.

In conclusion, the 95th Easter Regatta was more than just a sporting event. Due to the commitment and hard work of the H&S Committee, it was a hugely successful celebration of friendships and camaraderie

By Annie Wilkins


Presentation Night 2024