Mini Globe Race 2025

It’s not every day you see someone measuring yacht sails in a beachside park. Several years ago, while driving at Brighton that happened to me. Curious, I stopped to chat and met Dan Turner for the first time. Coincidentally, I knew who he was because I was following a Facebook page about his campaign to sail Runaway, a Sayer 11, in the Melbourne to Osaka yacht race.

Following that race, the title of the Facebook page changed and Dan revealed his next project – to build and race a ClassGlobe 5.80 mini racer. An article about his intentions appeared in the Summer 2022 edition of the Squadron Quarterly, with information about the one-design kit boat conceived by Don McIntyre who has instigated the GGR and By David Ingleton Launch of Immortal Game OGR races and is now organising the Mini Globe Race. Dan documented his build online and after several years’ work completed his boat, largely at his home in Adelaide. It has been named Immortal Game.

The boat is built from ply covered with fibreglass, and the design has already proved itself in several Trans-Atlantic races. The size, and the fact that the mast is sleeved, allows the boat to fit into a 20 foot shipping container for transport. The next race begins on 31 October this year in Lagos, Portugal, finishing in Antigua, and is a qualifier for the round-the-world race that starts in January 2025.

April 6 was the big day for the launch. With a few speeches and the spilling of champagne, Immortal Game was lifted into the water at RSAYS. It was not without drama as a small datum hole for the keel fitment was overlooked and provided an instant leak. That was soon fixed up and celebrations continued.

Following the launch, the rig was installed and over the last few weeks the boat has been wired for instruments and solar power. Dan has already been able to go for several sails. No doubt he will be keen to get as much time on the water as possible before he has to load the boat for transport to Europe.

By David Ingleton


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